DIONE DIONE: an integrated EO-based toolbox for modernising CAP area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact
The aim of the DIONE project was to propose a close-to-market area-based direct payments monitoring toolbox that would enable more frequent, accurate and inexpensive compliance checks
EFFECT Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting
EFFECT aims to develop more effective agri-environmental programmes by developing new forms of contracts between farmers and agri-environmental agencies or other actors
Online service for calculations of GHG emissions at farm level in Latvia
The aim of the project is to develop an online GHG emissions calculation tool for Latvian farmers. The tool is designed to calculate the GHG emissions intensity of products from the dairy and grain sectors.
Seqana, an EU-backed startup, is pioneering a fully remote Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system, revolutionizing soil organic carbon (SOC) measurement in agriculture.
ENVISION – Monitoring of environmental practices for sustainable agriculture supported by earth observation
ENVISION aims to fulfil the need for continuous and systematic monitoring of agricultural land, shifting the focus from fragmented monitoring limited to specific fields and dates to territory-wide and all-year-round monitoring.
LANDSUPPORT – Development of integrated web-based land decision support system aiming towards the implementation of policies for agriculture and environment
The objective of LANDSUPPORT is the construction of a free, web-based smart geoSpatial Decision Support System (S-DSS), consisting of a powerful set of tools aimed at supporting sustainable agriculture/forestry, evaluating trade-offs between land uses (including spatial planning) and contributing to the implementation of land-related policies.
QuantiFarm – Assessing the impact of digital technology solutions in agriculture in real-life conditions
The overarching aim of the QuantiFarm project is to support the further deployment of digital technologies in agriculture (DATs) as key enablers for enhancing the sustainability performance and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. To achieve this goal, QuantiFarm aims to establish a comprehensive assessment framework for the independent qualitative and quantitative assessment of the multiple…
AGRICORE – Agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies
The main objective of the project is to develop a new generation agent-based model (ABM) tool taking advantage of the latest progress in big data, AI algorithms and others, as a means to overcome challenges to improving policy design and socio-economic and environmental assessments.
AgroSatAdapt will develop models using remote sensing, ecological, climate, water-based and socioeconomic data for an integrated characterization of a landscape dominated by agro-silvopastoral systems in the Alentejo region of Portugal.
LANDSENSE – A citizen observatory and innovation marketplace for land use and land cover monitoring
LandSense is a modern citizen observatory for Land Use & Land Cover (LULC) monitoring, connecting citizens with Earth Observation (EO) data to transform current approaches to environmental decision making across urban greenspaces, agricultural management and biodiversity/habitat threats. The project involved demonstration pilots in which citizens used their own devices to supplement the existing monitoring through…