Carbon Farming Project Inventory

The debate around the transition to sustainable agriculture has increasingly centred around the concept of carbon farming, which encompasses practices and land use changes resulting in carbon sequestration, emissions avoidance or reduction.

Research and innovation play an important role in accelerating the deployment of carbon farming practices across the EU. This inventory, created as part of an IEEP project, gathers examples of innovative initiatives which aim to address the existing challenges to a more widespread adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.


IEEP Carbon Framing Inventory Projects on Cropland management illustration


IEEP Peatland management illustration

Grassland, livestock
and manure

IEEP Carbon Framing Inventory Projects on Grassland, livestock and manure management illustration


IEEP Carbon Framing Inventory Projects on Agroforestry illustration

IEEP Report

Innovative Carbon Farming Initiatives

An overview of recent and ongoing projects across the EU

IEEP Innovative Carbon Farming Initiatives Report - cover image