Arla Foods’ Sustainability Incentive model
Building on the Climate Check tool, Arla has introduced a point-based Sustainability Incentive model to help fund and motivate actions required to hit its 30% emissions reduction target by 2030 against a 2015 baseline. Under this model, farmers can collect points based on their environmental sustainability activities under 19 different levers.
SURFOLY: SUstainable Ruminants Feed with OLive pomace and polYphenols enriched charred olive stone
SURFOLY aims to demonstrate and promote an innovative circular business development model for the production of animal feed for small ruminants (sheep and goats) while supporting mixed crop-livestock systems and the olive industry in the Mediterranean area.
CANMILK – Carbon neutral milk
The EU-funded CANMILK project aims to develop simple-to-use, low maintenance technology for methane abatement with the use of non-thermal plasma.