OrganicClimateNET Project
The OrganicClimateNET Project acts as a pioneer model for the European organic sector, helping farmers to integrate climate farming strategies, thereby enhancing their capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The project will establish a network involving and supporting 250 organic farms to spearhead the integration of organic climate farming. Facilitated by trained advisors, farmers…
GROW Observatory
The aim of the GROW project was to empower farmer and food-growing communities to improve the quality of soils using sensors, an app and satellite data.
LANDMARK LAND Management: Assessment, research, knowledge base
The key aim of the LANDMARK project was to develop a framework for soil management to support sustainable European food production, addressing challenges at local, regional and EU scale
EFFECT Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting
EFFECT aims to develop more effective agri-environmental programmes by developing new forms of contracts between farmers and agri-environmental agencies or other actors
ReMIX Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures
The aim of the ReMIX project was to analyse and optimize the functioning of species mixtures, also called intercrops, in order to help design sustainable and diversified cropping systems for both conventional and organic agriculture
New techniques for sustainable agriculture (NL)
The key objective of the project was to develop, test and implement two sustainable techniques in arable farming. They include the use of the Topsoil Mapper, a contact-free sensor technology for the detection and prevention of soil compaction, and the Zasso electric weeding machine. The impacts and potential for wider roll-out is investigated through experimentation…
Sustainability app for dairy farmers (NL)
The project’s key objective was the development of a sustainability app through a partnership between twelve dairy farmers in the Dutch provinces of Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland and UNIFORM, an international company that develops management software for dairy production. The intended focus of the sustainability app was to provide insight into sustainability, energy savings and…
Arla Foods’ Sustainability Incentive model
Building on the Climate Check tool, Arla has introduced a point-based Sustainability Incentive model to help fund and motivate actions required to hit its 30% emissions reduction target by 2030 against a 2015 baseline. Under this model, farmers can collect points based on their environmental sustainability activities under 19 different levers.
SOILCARE – Soil care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe
The SOILCARE project developed the concept of soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) to advance the adoption of soil management while ensuring sustainability and profitability.
FATIMA – FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water MAnagement
FATIMA aims to help farmers in managing water and nutrient application in agricultural production, through the development of mapping tools and services.