The LIFE AGRESTIC project aims to foster the adoption of innovative and efficient cropping systems with a high climate-change mitigation potential by EU farmers and disseminate tools for an accelerated uptake of resource efficient agricultural practices.
The key elements of the project include:
– Design and implementation of N- and C-Efficient Cropping Systems (ECSs) with higher potential of carbon storage and nitrogen efficiency and lower GHG emission rates compared to Conventional Cropping Systems (CCSs) at three demonstration sites in Italy.
– Development, testing and implementation of an innovative web-based DSS to support farmers in a resource-efficient management of ECSs, aiming at reducing GHG emissions while maintaining or increasing yield, product quality and safety, and farmer’s economic return. – Development of a prototype for automated and continuous monitoring of soil GHG fluxes, in order to: i) measure the potential of ECSs in reducing soil emissions compared with CCSs; ii) calibrate and validate a model for estimation of soil GHG emissions, and integrate it into the DSS.
– Valorisation of GHG emissions and carbon storage mitigation potential of ECSs through market based and/or policy-based measures, and support better targeted national and local policies.
– Identification of legume genotypes with characteristics contributing to enhanced agronomic and environmental performances of the ECSs.
– Engagement with national and EU stakeholders to: i) ensure relevance, feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed innovation; ii) increase the innovation acceptance rate and the future exploitation of the project results; iii) create local and regional collaborations to enhance soil and ecosystem services; and iv) ensure replicability and transferability across the EU.