TRUE Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe
The main aim of TRUE is to identify and facilitate successful transition paths to legume-supported production systems in food and animal feed value chains
RESCHEDULE: RESilient to Climate CHange Extremes MeDiterraneanAgricUltural Systems: LEveraging the Power of SoilHealth and Associated Microbiota
The main goal of RESCHEDULE is to develop science-based and locally-adapted solutions that improve the resilience of smallholder farms to climate change, with challenges including soil organic matter and nutrient depletion, desertification and erosion.
SOILCARE – Soil care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe
The SOILCARE project developed the concept of soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) to advance the adoption of soil management while ensuring sustainability and profitability.
SUPER-G – Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies
The overall objective of the SUPER-G project is to co-develop sustainable permanent grassland systems and policies to optimize productivity, while supporting biodiversity and broader ecosystem provisioning.
LIFE AGRESTIC – Reduction of Agricultural GReenhouse gases EmiSsions
The LIFE AGRESTIC project aims to foster the adoption of innovative and efficient cropping systems with a high climate-change mitigation potential by EU farmers and disseminate tools for an accelerated uptake of resource efficient agricultural practices.
LEGUMINOSE – Legume-cereal intercropping for sustainable agriculture across Europe
The goal of the LEGUMINOSE project is to establish intercropping as a climate-smart farming practice. For this, the project will investigate the benefits of intercropping beyond the well-studied effects on nitrogen dynamics, identify the obstacles to adoption of intercropping, and provide farmers across the EU with accessible, actionable, and science-based information for a profitable and…
LEGVALUE Fostering sustainable legume-based farming systems and agri-feed and food chains in the EU
The LEGVALUE project aims to help farmers benefit from the increasing consumer interest in legumes by compiling information needed to seize new opportunities, and by assisting farmers in making informed decisions on whether and how to introduce legumes on their farms.