
The OG Hanfanbauer Werra-Meißner project aims to establish a complete regional value chain to support hemp cultivation. Hemp has been receiving an increasing amount of attention, given its possible application in environmentally friendly industrial products such as bio-concrete, bio-composite, paper, textile as well as its carbon sequestration and water conserving properties (Faiz Ahmed et al. 2021).

However, there are several obstacles faced by farmers interested in hemp cultivation given the relatively undeveloped value chains. In Germany, few suitable hemp varieties are available, and high transport costs and long transport routes impair the economic viability of hemp cultivation. In addition, various requirements must be met in terms of conveyor technology, drying and storage, and the technology adapted for the already established varieties requires retrofitting.

The project include a range of activities which aim to respond to these challenges, including: field trials on optimal site conditions for hemp seed and straw, development of capacities for the pre-processing of hemp straw to reduce transport costs to the processing partner, modification of harvesting machines adapted to the pressing of hemp straw in cooperation with an agricultural machinery company, development of hemp seed processing methods for specific uses (seeds, animal feed, baked goods, insulation materials), and development of own sales structures for the marketing of hemp products.

Notably, the project responds to the key challenge associated with high transport costs by minimizing the transport volume of the hemp straw to such an extent that an economic benefit can be achieved for the hemp growers. This is done by pre-processing the hemp fibers after harvest by separating shives from the fiber, resulting in a reduction in transport volume by 80%.

The success of the project is a result of farmer collaboration, with machinery rings and workshops as well as the regional advisory centers contributing their expertise and facilities.



Types of carbon farming measures

Category of innovation

Description of innovation

The project involves adapting existing machinery to the cultivation of hemp and the development of processing capabilities to increase the profitability of improved crop rotations.

Member States

Year of completion


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