Innovative Decision Support System in field crops and conservation tillage

Innovative Decision Support System in field crops and conservation tillage


The main project priority is to develop an organizational method for decision-making under conservation agriculture in the Bulgarian context. The main focus is to scientifically test and fine-tune conservation agriculture practices with the use of alternative technologies and taking into account Bulgarian pedo-climatic conditions. The project aims to achieve this while mitigating negative impacts on yields and profits, which have been observed to present a particular challenge associated with the adoption of conservation tillage. In addition, the project aims to enhance knowledge and innovation transfer within the industry.

As part of the project, four methods of cultivation (plough/disking, no-till, strip, and minimum-till) with a rotation of cash crops (wheat, corn, canola, sunflower) and cover crops will be evaluated across ten experimental fields situated in different regions of the country will be evaluated. Trials will be conducted to determine optimal levels of fertilization and pesticide applications. Soil sampling will be carried out to track moisture, temperature, and salinity as main stress factors, along with the identification and analysis of soil microorganisms. All results will serve to develop a conservation agriculture DSS for Bulgarian farmers.

Innovative Decision Support System in field crops and conservation tillage logo


Types of carbon farming measures

Category of innovation

Description of innovation

The project involves the development of a decision support system for conservation agriculture practices (tillage, rotations, cover crops), tailored to the regional context.

Member States

Year of completion


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