TRUE Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe
The main aim of TRUE is to identify and facilitate successful transition paths to legume-supported production systems in food and animal feed value chains
LANDMARK LAND Management: Assessment, research, knowledge base
The key aim of the LANDMARK project was to develop a framework for soil management to support sustainable European food production, addressing challenges at local, regional and EU scale
ReMIX Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures
The aim of the ReMIX project was to analyse and optimize the functioning of species mixtures, also called intercrops, in order to help design sustainable and diversified cropping systems for both conventional and organic agriculture
LIFT Low-Input Farming and Territories – Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming
The overall goal of LIFT was to identify potential benefits of the adoption of ecological farming in the European Union and to understand how socio-economic and policy factors impact the adoption, performance and sustainability of ecological farming at various scales, from farm- to regional level
Innovative Decision Support System in field crops and conservation tillage
The main project priority is to develop an organizational method for decision-making under conservation agriculture in the Bulgarian context. The main focus is to scientifically test and fine-tune conservation agriculture practices with the use of alternative technologies and taking into account Bulgarian pedo-climatic conditions.
Online service for calculations of GHG emissions at farm level in Latvia
The aim of the project is to develop an online GHG emissions calculation tool for Latvian farmers. The tool is designed to calculate the GHG emissions intensity of products from the dairy and grain sectors.
Sustainability app for dairy farmers (NL)
The project’s key objective was the development of a sustainability app through a partnership between twelve dairy farmers in the Dutch provinces of Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland and UNIFORM, an international company that develops management software for dairy production. The intended focus of the sustainability app was to provide insight into sustainability, energy savings and…
Digitalisation of the effect produced by biostimulants and soil bioregenerators based on microalgae on vine cultivation
GO AlgaViD aims to demonstrate the viability of bioproducts made from microalgae in wine production. The aim is to replace fertilisers, manures and remediators, mostly of chemical origin, with biostimulants.
RESCHEDULE: RESilient to Climate CHange Extremes MeDiterraneanAgricUltural Systems: LEveraging the Power of SoilHealth and Associated Microbiota
The main goal of RESCHEDULE is to develop science-based and locally-adapted solutions that improve the resilience of smallholder farms to climate change, with challenges including soil organic matter and nutrient depletion, desertification and erosion.
VISCA – Vineyards Integrated Smart Climate Application
The overarching objective of VISCA is to facilitate increased climate resilience of wine production in the south of Europe, while minimizing costs to wine growers.